New updates in TOPIK ONE

3 important updates are included in the release this week:

1 – Dictionary

Finally, after almost one month of instabilities, the dictionary feature is better then ever. Just click the word you want to know the meaning and the Korean-English dictionary will open. Not only the appearance was improved, but also its accuracy, completeness and the direct link to the Naver dictionary.
This is how the dictionary appears now:
Once you click on the term in blue, the Browser app will be launched with the Naver dictionary about the searched term:
Where you can study more about the word and check translations for other languages (Japanese, Chinese and Spanish).

 2 – Keep the scroll value when changing the orientation

One of the problems that were reported was that, when changing the orientation of the phone, the test returns to the beginning. Now it was fixed.
This is very useful when you want to see an image that is too small in portrait, so you can turn the phone to landscape without losing the point you were in the test.
Changing orientation and the test still keeps the scroll. Also the test is displayed much faster when the orientation is changed (compared to previous versions)!

3 – Listening

The listening part is the problematic one. Most of users complain about it. And not only in TOPIK ONE, but any Android app that has audio, this is always the weak point.
The update here is to not allow playing the audio if there is no network available.
This may solve App closing when Listening part is started.


These updates improved a lot the experience with the application, but there is still a lot to do.
Specially related to audio and Icon (yes, I know, this icon is terrible).
If you have any feedback or bug to report, I will be glad to hear about.
Thanks for the support words by email or comments.

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